Saturday, January 16, 2021

Dubai and the Desert: Part 2

Previously, we took the unconventional choice to ditch our hotels, and spend a night in the Dubai desert. Check out Dubai Part 1 at: 

We literally slept on a slope of sand. The desert, when it is dark, poses no threat or sign of danger. The warm sand was comfortable. In true honesty, when you wake up the next day, you can't help but to wonder if it was really that safe. I think Dubai is a safe country, but there was still some risk being in the wilderness. 

I did not have the best of rest, unlike my other friends

Still, it was an unlocked adventure. 

Congratulations - You have all passed the challenge of staying in the desert

Sam and I booked the only hostel we could find in town - "At The Top" Hostel. At around 23 USD, I stayed at one of the best hostels, in terms of view.

The views include Palm Jumeirah

Having some time to kill, we explored the area. It was July 2017, the middle of summer, and the heat of 40 degrees Celsius was actually quite unbearable. 

There is a tram line in town

As you would expect - Not much people on the streets

You could tell that the Middle East was a place of richness, back then

After a quick rest, I met up with a friend in the evening - Kathy, a Malaysian who works in Dubai. I met Kathy on the Emirates flight to Glasgow way back in September 2016. I found myself a local tour guide.  

Any tourist would be impressed with the Burj Al-Arab

Souk Madinat shopping center

Hi-tea at Al-Farooz restaurant - I half regretted drinking hot chocolate on a hot day

Horses to welcome guests to the shopping center

It was always great to meet any Malaysian overseas. I think Malaysians are versatile people, coming from a multi-culture, multi-ethnic and multi-religion country. The diaspora overseas would most notably miss home cook food. 

Had Taiwanese food for dinner - Therapy for the stomach

Dates - Something good for everyone

Dubai offers some of the most spectacular night views around, with milder temperature (still around 35 degrees).  

The Burj Khalifa is still the tallest building in the world since 2009 (830m)

Fountain and lightshow at Burj Khalifa


I am aware Dubai may not be what it is today, in 2021. Low oil prices mean that oil producing countries (Malaysia included) struggled a bit financially. It shows that we should always diversify our economy. Dubai diversified into education and tourism, and as the most forward looking country, should be on course to manage COVID-19.

Wishing you a better and safe year ahead

Take care, stay indoors and always follow all SOPs to break the COVID-19 transmission chain. Vaccine is only part of the solution. 

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