Thursday, October 17, 2019

Practice the Art of Happiness

While I ate Nasi Goreng Ibunda (the 2nd time in 3 evenings), and a bowl of Mushroom soup, I came across this article in the 'Classified' Section of the News Straits Times (a paper I don't normally read) - Practice the Art of Happiness, by Dr. Victor SL Tan.

I found it extremely enlightening, and useful as a principle in life.

Dr. Tan first states that a happy workplace is a productive and creative workplace. When a person is happy, he/she is definitely more productive, motivated and positive. He/she could influence the rest to be happy too. So it looks imperative that leaders try to build a 'happy' workplace.

In the January-February 2012 issue of Harvard Business magazine, Shawn Achor says "success doesn't make you happy so much as happiness makes you more successful". Happiness is a state of mind.

Abraham Lincoln said: "Most folks are as happy as they made up theirs minds to be".

In short, Dr. Tan summed up the 4 proven ways to be happy:

1. Appreciate the blessings you have. 

Why focus on the don't haves or weaknesses all the time? If you have health, loved ones, jobs, belongings, occasional vacations.... Too often, we take for granted what we have until we lose them. What you don't appreciate, depreciates.

Maybe the next time WE start complaining, think twice.

2. Exorcise the unpleasant

Life is not a bed of roses. Unpleasant things will definitely happen in life. Too many of us are preoccupied with the misfortunes of yesteryears, which they cannot do anything about.

Professor William James said: "Acceptance of what has happened is the first step to overcome". The key to happiness is to exorcise our unpleasant past and exercise appreciation of the present, to help us create a better tomorrow.