Thursday, January 28, 2021

The Metal Tree Flowers (Dracaena fragrans)

I have been working from home since October. It is the new normal, and I had to adapt and perform. 2020 was without doubt a challenging year. Thankfully, we ended last year really strong, and I gave everything. I am happy with my performance, covering my teammates' shortfall. 

Every morning, I religiously do my routine exercise/work-out

After checking out the plants, delight took over, as one of the Dracaena fragrans, normally known as 铁树 (literally means metal tree) had flowers!

A reward after a few months of care

Nothing beats staying at home

Looks like I am on the move again to take up a job.

Looking forward to a better 2021.

Take care, stay safe, and always follow the SOPs. Together, we must fight COVID-19. 


Full blossom after a couple of days


Saturday, January 16, 2021

Dubai and the Desert: Part 2

Previously, we took the unconventional choice to ditch our hotels, and spend a night in the Dubai desert. Check out Dubai Part 1 at: 

We literally slept on a slope of sand. The desert, when it is dark, poses no threat or sign of danger. The warm sand was comfortable. In true honesty, when you wake up the next day, you can't help but to wonder if it was really that safe. I think Dubai is a safe country, but there was still some risk being in the wilderness. 

I did not have the best of rest, unlike my other friends

Still, it was an unlocked adventure. 

Congratulations - You have all passed the challenge of staying in the desert

Sam and I booked the only hostel we could find in town - "At The Top" Hostel. At around 23 USD, I stayed at one of the best hostels, in terms of view.

The views include Palm Jumeirah

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Dubai and the Desert: Part 1

The calamities of 2021 seem to continue (especially in Malaysia). Political instability, heavy monsoon rain (causing floods in Pahang and Johor), with rapidly rising COVID-19 cases set a prelude for the year ahead. We now need to take care of ourselves. 

COVID-19 kills, or you paralyze your lungs forever. #KitaJagaKita

A lighter note is the cool climate we are experiencing: 23-25 degree Celsius. For a few nights, I slept without the fan! 

Juxtaposing the mild climate, I traded the pleasant Glaswegian summer (10-18 degrees) with a Middle Eastern one (35-45 degrees) back in July 2017. 

I was in Dubai for IET YPCC Meeting. During the day, it was like walking in an oven (45 degrees). However, overall, I still prefer having some heat to extreme cold. But the summer months in 

First time in a desert - Added sleeping in the desert to my list of accommodation


It feels like a decade before, but there was a time when staffs, young engineers, volunteers, and students from around the world meet, plan and organize international events and initiatives. Fighting off jetlags, we accomplished several targets and milestones. The IET now has a thriving global YP and On Campus list. 

YPCC Team 2016-17, led by the fabulous Sach

Meeting young professionals from all walks of life and learning from them, shaped me

We also know how to have fun

I have since retired from the board in October 2019. I will be forever be grateful to the IET, and will not hesitate to contribute time and effort for its vision and mission.

Wherever you guys are (IET volunteers that I had the privilege to work with), I wish everyone safe and healthy. Thank you for the opportunities, guidance and happy times. 


After the meeting, I extended 3 days to explore Dubai. Part of me wanted to reload more Vitamin D (sunlight) before heading back to the UK. I was excited, having read and watched Aladdin growing up. I pictured myself going back in time, joining the caravans of merchants on the Silk Road. 

Except, there are no more caravans and camel traders in Dubai today. Dubai is a metropolitan city, attracting companies and expatriates from around the world. 

Dubai is a city raised from the middle of a desert

A lot of effort is done to diversify the economy from oil

View from The Vault - JW Marriot Marquis

Friday, January 1, 2021

Brussels Capital of Belgium: Part 2

Previously on Weeser Writes, I explored a car-free Brussels on Day 1, visited the city center, and understood the horror of The Congo under King Leopold II. I learned that around 10 million were killed in The Congo. Check the previous post at:


Today, Belgium, and particularly Brussels is a forward looking and modern society, and is the de facto capital of the European Union (EU) - Safeguarding peace and promoting development throughout the continent. This was vital for the continent after the devastation of WW2.  

Also today, the UK leaves the EU formally, after more than 4 years since the referendum. So far, the news coming out from the British Isles are positive, border crossing and goods transportation seems fine. Wishing both parties the best moving forward. 

As for the future plans for Scotland, another saga is brewing...  


I planned the day as a relaxing one. (Belgium is a relaxing country anyway) 

I arrived at Europa (railway) Station at around 11am, only to find that the European Parliament opens at 1pm, while the media tours start at 2pm.  

"Station Europe"

The mere diversity of languages was enough to confuse anyone