Previously on Weeser Writes, I explored a car-free Brussels on Day 1, visited the city center, and understood the horror of The Congo under King Leopold II. I learned that around 10 million were killed in The Congo. Check the previous post at:
Today, Belgium, and particularly Brussels is a forward looking and modern society, and is the de facto capital of the European Union (EU) - Safeguarding peace and promoting development throughout the continent. This was vital for the continent after the devastation of WW2.

Also today, the UK leaves the EU formally, after more than 4 years since the referendum. So far, the news coming out from the British Isles are positive, border crossing and goods transportation seems fine. Wishing both parties the best moving forward.
As for the future plans for Scotland, another saga is brewing...
I planned the day as a relaxing one. (Belgium is a relaxing country anyway)
I arrived at Europa (railway) Station at around 11am, only to find that the European Parliament opens at 1pm, while the media tours start at 2pm.

"Station Europe"

The mere diversity of languages was enough to confuse anyone
The EU concept is interesting to me. In South East Asia, 10 countries band together to form the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN). You want to be friends and work together with your neighbouring country. The motto of ASEAN, as I found out, is One Vision, One Identity, One Community. So, is EU the model for us?
You need to learn about history, and not repeat them - A section of the Berlin Wall
Actually, the European Parliament is headquartered in Strasbourg, France while the administrative offices are located in Luxembourg City. Plenary sessions and committee meeting normally happen in Brussels. Brussels is the one that attracts the attention though.
The EU has its challenges and red tapes - But they had achieved their goal of peaceful co-existence
Multimedia presentation at the main hall
The campus was comprehensive - The Council of the EU is also here
There are 751 Member of European Parliament (MEP) - How long will a meeting last?
The Union Jack at the EU for 47 years, something of the past
From today onwards, Brits can travel to Europe without a visa if they are traveling for vacation (90 days), while EU still can access the UK's waters (and fish). I think having a regional bloc like the EU is a great idea to maintain peace and stability. It is imperative that South East Asia get this right. You want to have good and friendly neighbours rather than making enemies out of them. The Korean Peninsular is an example we do not want.
Still, I am impressed of EU's achievements - Hopefully, ASEAN can take a leaf
You need to take your hats off for what these people have achieved. We have seen peace and prosperity for a long time. There are too many documentaries on WW2 that you could find on Youtube.
After visiting the European Parliament, I took the train back to the city center to do a final tour.
After visiting Brussels, I learned that you never get away with crimes against humanity (or any mistakes or mischiefs). The Chinese say: 若要人不知,除非己莫为 (If you don't want anyone to know, the only way is to not do it).
If you wage wars and kill innocent people, history will put you where you are. The notably example is King Leopold II (1865-1909), son of the first Belgium King - King Leopold I. Applying forced labour (for rubber tapping to support the industrial revolution) and responsible for around 10 million deaths in The Congo, King Leopold II had his tracks covered for decades. He painted himself as a saviour, and went to Africa to stop the slave trade and to spread the gospel.
The Black Live Matter movement after the killing of George Floyd in the US created much needed awareness and soul-searching. Several statues of King Leopold II were removed in Belgium.
After a storm, you would find a rainbow (We just need to hang on)
King Leopold II, an example of what we should not be
This also marks the end of my tour throughout Netherlands and Belgium, the Flanders region in July 2017. Unique and memorable experience.
PS: Happy new year and stay safe everyone! Take care.
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